Why Your Team Needs More Sales Training

One can argue that it’s easy to sell, but what isn’t easy is selling right. Research shows that only 13 percent of customers feel that salespeople truly understand their needs. It’s a shockingly low number, considering the fact that there are a multitude of salespeople on the market. You might be more surprised to find out that 55 percent of employees lack the basic skills they need to carry out effective sales and close deals. It’s no wonder that many businesses are struggling to fulfill the needs, respond to the pain points of their customers and reach their sales goals.

At the heart of every company is a sales team that spends every day growing its customer base, generating more leads and converting them to customers. However, despite the team’s crucial role in a business, many companies still fail to offer them proper sales training to help them do their job well. Consumers are usually under the assumption that people in sales already know what they’re doing, when in fact, it isn’t always true. 

Your company can have the best products and offer the best services in the world, but you know that they won’t sell themselves. Salespeople need ample sales training to make a connection with customers and understand their needs, as well as to know how to ask and answer the right questions.

High Returns

As you know, sales are all about numbers. Companies want to boost their productivity and increase leads and, in turn, their revenue. The best way to higher win rates is through training your sales team. Having your team know the most successful sales techniques allows them to apply it in their own process, helping them beat the competition and grow their customer base even further. Moreover, training will equip them with the skills they need and the ability to use the techniques themselves. The better trained your employees are, the better they’ll be able to sell your products and services. 

Meet customer needs

Having sales training also helps your sales team figure out how to satisfy customer needs and respond to pain points. With training, you can make sure that your salespeople understand what your audiences want through various recognized sales techniques. At the end of the day, customers don’t want a generic sales pitch. They want someone that will listen and understand what they want and need instead of having a salesperson blatantly peddle products and services. Good sales means building meaningful relationships with customers, and your employees can learn this through training. 

More confident sales team

Training will also help your sales team be more knowledgeable and feel more confident to do their job. When employees know what they’re doing, they feel more empowered, resulting in them being better equipped to reach their goals. 

In conclusion

Training your sales team not only helps each individual rep, but it helps your team as a whole be on the same page. You can have peace of mind knowing that everyone on your team is using techniques that are proven to win more sales. 

If you are interested in investing in sales training, we would love the opportunity to be a part of the discussion on how we can partner together to help you and your team achieve your goals. The content of our training workshops is taught by a 35-year sales veteran who specializes in elevating value by understanding the science of decision-making. Every rep will walk away with mastery of a conversation framework scientifically proven to communicate high value in every conversation they have with prospects and customers.


We understand it can be difficult to know where to start when building a framework for sales conversations, so we’ve developed a Sales Conversation “Cheat Sheet” you can download HERE.

Katie Coalson: