Getting Your Sales Team to See the Big Picture

When it comes to sales, it’s essential that you understand the bigger picture from a business point of view. The big picture will help your sales team work more effectively in the long-term. Additionally, a sales team that has a clear understanding of the big picture may be able to deliver better results in the next quarter. So, how do you let your sales team see the big picture of your business? 

Educate Them about Business Strategy

A sales team must understand the strategy of the business. When your salespeople have a deep understanding of how your new products work compared to the existing ones, they will be able to come up with better and more creative ways to make a sale. It will also help them get a proper idea of which types of customers they need to reach out to. 

At the most basic level, your sales team must be able to describe the primary points of your company’s sales strategy, understand and explain the market environment, explain the basic economics of the business, and know the variables that may affect the strategy and the product offerings of the company. 

Refer to Specific Metrics

There are a lot of metrics that you can refer to. The problem is, since there is a lot to refer to, it can be difficult to focus on just one. If you want your sales department to clearly see the big picture, focus on specific ones that will allow them to do so. 

Customize Strategies

Not every customer or account can have the same level of satisfaction compared to others. It’s because your clients have different personalities. Therefore, it’s essential that your sales team gets creative in this aspect, customizing their sales strategies to ensure that they are truly relevant to each customer.

Your sales team must be trained to know how to identify which customers are the right fit and how they can make them happy. That said, your sales team must be able to explain how the sales strategy of your company applies to their clients. Moreover, they should be able to tell the financial benefits of specific products and services that incorporate key daily activities that will help them reach their goals. 

Avoid Developing Bad Habits

Individual members of a sales team can become too complacent, especially if they are delivering subpar results. It is one of the most damaging things that can happen to a sales team. It happens because bad habits tend to start slow and build up, to the point where it starts to have a significant impact on a sales rep’s overall performance. 

It is essential to find ways to reduce the time it takes to address potential issues and ensure that the sales process runs smoothly. You can find ways to document the execution to understand if the process is being followed. 


A capable sales team sees the bigger picture, and they include this in structural problems or challenges that the organization faces. As such, this also highlights the importance of sales training for salespeople in a business.

If you are interested in investing in sales training, we would love the opportunity to be a part of the discussion on how we can partner together to help you and your team achieve your goals. The content of our training workshops is taught by a 35-year sales veteran who specializes in elevating value by understanding the science of decision-making. Every rep will walk away with mastery of a conversation framework scientifically proven to communicate high value in every conversation they have with prospects and customers.


We understand it can be difficult to know where to start when building a framework for sales conversations, so we’ve developed a Sales Conversation “Cheat Sheet” you can download HERE.

Katie Coalson: