What Sales Leaders Need to Focus on in 2020

Being a leader in any kind of situation is no easy task. You are ultimately responsible for the team following your lead, and your decisions are supposed to be made for the betterment of your followers and your company. Sales is a challenging field to be in because when it comes to conducting business, there is tons of competition. Business markets are a dog-eat-dog world, and this is why leaders of corporations have to be on their A-Game, ready to drive their company to victory. 

Always remember that a team is only as strong as its weakest link, so being a leader, this should get you on your feet and hands-on with your staff to make them some of the best at what they do. Here are some priorities sales leaders need to focus on for this year with the ever-evolving market:

Craft A Program That Encourages A Strong Coaching Culture

Nowadays, good coaching programs should be non-negotiable for sales leaders. Anyone who deals with customers should be assisted in developing skills, strategies, and knowledge to aid in winning more deals and providing cutting-edge customer service. There is definitely no surprise that the organizations with the highest sales impact invest significantly in coaching their staff and even their leaders. 

Invest In Good Communication Technology

Businesses should be spending money on good communication technologies to improve their dealings with customers, and even inter-company interactions. With thousands of tools available on the market for sales teams and centers, it is best to make sure that you choose the right ones and train personnel to use them efficiently and effectively. The key to a successful business is good communication, which can be greatly improved by using proper technologies. 

Utilize Emotional Intelligence Training For Staff Support

Always check in with employees as to how they are doing in terms of their mental health. This is important in today’s world, as so many people go through stressful times with such a different market compared to before. Constantly being on the phone or being physically attentive to clients at a retail store is stressful and nerve-racking because of the number of personalities that exist in the environment. And now with many having to work remotely because of Covid-19, it has impacted their mental health more than we realize. 

As a company sales leader, you should always make sure that your staff is in a good place, or if they are not, find solutions to help them tackle their difficulties. If you want your workplace to maintain a healthy atmosphere and have workers who are willing to stay, it would be best to modify policies and aspects that don’t work to keep everyone in good shape. 

When Things Go Well, Focus On Business Expansion And Renewals

Take note that exceptional business management requires a powerful integration between sales and customer success. When your sales processes have succeeded in generating a following due to customers buying into your brand, start working towards strategic account growth.  Remember that in business, things almost always never last. With the world around us evolving extremely quickly, businesses need to continue to innovate and invest in newer things. When you put more importance into innovating, your business normally flourishes. 


When it comes to leadership, always bear in mind that you are responsible for the core workings of the ones below you. They take orders from you and operate under your circumstances, so to be an efficient one, always remember to study the inner workings of the best practices for leadership and management. 

If you are interested in investing in sales training, we would love the opportunity to be a part of the discussion on how we can partner together to help you and your team achieve your goals. The content of our training workshops is taught by a 35-year sales veteran who specializes in elevating value by understanding the science of decision-making. Every rep will walk away with mastery of a conversation framework scientifically proven to communicate high value in every conversation they have with prospects and customers.


We understand it can be difficult to know where to start when building a framework for sales conversations, so we’ve developed a Sales Conversation “Cheat Sheet” you can download HERE.

Katie Coalson: