
What to do After Your Next Sales Kickoff

The end of the year is here and it’s time for the season of Sales Kickoffs. There are physical sales kickoffs, as well as virtual  kickoffs. Regardless, the bottom line is in celebrating the company’s success from the previous year, as well as inspiring and motivating employees to strive for another productive year. 

Studies have shown that ROI’s can increase immediately after a sales kickoff. The key to reaching an improved ROI is in learning from the kickoff and keeping the momentum going for the rest of the year. 

Below are five practices to do after a successful sales kickoff:

1. Personalize the coaching plans

Remember that every person is unique. What one rep has learned is different from what the other reps have learned. This is why you must develop a specific coaching plan for them, primarily because sales leaders and managers work closely with them. Reinforcing the training with a coaching plan will help pay dividends all through the year and will also keep your team in good shape.

2. Face time with your reps

Face to face kickoffs let the team spend time together, which is especially helpful when they are distributed. It builds relationships and even opens opportunities for meaningful conversations and will allow you to get to know your reps better. 

After the kickoff, the reps usually go back to where they were assigned, and the effect of the sales kickoff will rub off. Following up with face to face conversations with the reps is an opportunity to keep the ball rolling and making sure what they learned and got excited about during the kickoff doesn’t get lost. It’s helpful to establish regular meetings and check in on your reps to make sure everyone is still on the same page. 

3. Gather as much feedback as possible

After your sales kickoff, create a survey to get feedback from the event. Ask them what they enjoyed and what they could do without. Ask what they want to see more of in the next year so you can prepare for the next event. This will be an excellent opportunity to improve participation and get more success out of your next kickoff.

4. Keep the momentum going

 A sales kickoff will spark your employees’ excitement for the following sales year, which is why you must keep that energy consistent. A great way to keep the momentum going is to incorporate microlearning throughout the year. 

Microlearning is a bite-size training technique that helps sales teams increase their expertise and sales performance. It helps with memory, is interesting and intriguing, and is structured and consistent. Any time you teach something new, microlearning is a great way to make sure the concept is being reinforced. We’ve enjoyed using a program called Qstream to quiz sales teams on the content that they learn during our workshops.

5. Set realistic expectations

What do you want your people to achieve after the sales kickoff? What are the target numbers? When is the target deadline? You must set realistic expectations and communicate them across your organization. This is especially essential to sales managers who are always in touch with the quarter and annual objectives. This will also establish the behaviors you want your employees to demonstrate to meet expectations.

A sales kickoff can leave the entire company excited and ready to take on the upcoming sales year. Keep the momentum going with the tips mentioned above to improve your ROI dramatically.

If you have a training date on your upcoming calendar, we would love the opportunity to be a part of the discussion on how we can partner together to help you and your team achieve your goals. The content of our training workshops is taught by a 35-year sales veteran who specializes in elevating value by understanding the science of decision-making. Every rep will walk away with mastery of a conversation framework scientifically proven to communicate high value in every conversation they have with prospects and customers.

Let’s talk.

Call: 678-561-6260, Email: or instant message David Kurkjian on LinkedIn to start the conversation.

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