
4 Tools to Make Your Message Stick

Creating an impactful message is one thing, but making sure that your idea gets instilled in your audience is an entirely different matter. In marketing, communicating with your audience and influencing their choices involves making sure that your content is able to retain readers. Otherwise, all the energy spent creating it will be useless. 

There’s so much media clutter out there that it can be difficult for any business, regardless of size, to stand out. No matter how comprehensive your copy is or how visually striking your graphics are, you can kiss goodbye to growing your business if readers don’t find your content valuable.

Memory is a tricky thing to navigate. After all, it varies greatly from one individual to another. That said, research has shown that in decision-making, our brains are wired to gravitate towards rewards of a choice based on past memories. Intentionally or not, our memories inform our future decisions. 

When crafting a message, your goal is to become part of your audience’s memory. People tend to act on what they recall, not what they can’t forget. Luckily, there are tools you can apply to your strategy to make your messaging stick. 

Evoke Emotion

People are more likely to remember messages if emotions are involved. Whether it’s something that makes them laugh, cry, smile, or gasp in surprise, as long as the message triggers emotions, then there’s a high chance that what you’re trying to communicate will stick to their core memory. As much as possible, try to elicit an emotional response in your messaging so it lingers in the minds of your audience.

Leverage Storytelling

Good storytelling is at the core of marketing and sales communication. When you have the capacity to tell a story, you’re able to hook your audience’s attention and get your message across better. Storytelling is a powerful tool as it paints a memorable mental picture of what you’re trying to say. People use their imagination when they hear a story, which makes the information stick around much longer. 

Put Yourself in Your Audience’s Shoes

What good is your message if it doesn’t resonate with the people you’re trying to reach? You can make strategizing much easier if you consider what your audience wants. Tap into their desires, needs, and passions. It’s especially important to identify their pain points before talking with them on the phone. After you’ve gathered valuable insight, shape your message in a way that will catch their attention. 

Experiment with different mediums.

Another way of making a message stick is by increasing your visibility. This is possible with the help of different mediums. Don’t just stick to one tactic. Use newsletters, videos, photos, case studies, and more, so you are able to increase your chances of landing on a wider audience’s radar and getting your message spread to as many people as possible.


For your marketing and sales efforts to be worth it, you need to incorporate message retention to actually make an impact. Although every individual is different, psychology can help us understand how consumers perceive value and take in information. Insight into this process can translate to incredible sales returns. 

We understand it can be difficult to know where to start when building a framework for sales conversations, so we’ve developed a Sales Conversation “Cheat Sheet” you can download HERE.


If you’re looking for help in implementing these and other techniques, get in touch with us today for a free consultation!

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